Dog destination
  • Customer Rating

  • Rated 5 stars
  • 100%

  • Dog Destination
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  • Last modified: September 12, 2024

Summary: Brand identity, logo design and responsive Magento development for online retailer, Dog Destination.

Dog destination logo

CASE STUDY: Dog Destination

As a new retailer, Dog Destination came to Opace looking for support setting up their online business. Within three months, we helped them to create a brand digital strategy for selling dog accessories online.

We worked with the business to develop a brand identity, logo, graphic designs and mobile-friendly Magento eCommerce website.

The Result

Business owner Louise Portman was delighted with the results, saying “Opace were excellent not only with the quality and timeliness of the product delivered but were responsive and user friendly throughout”

Setting up an internet business and creating a brand can be a daunting experience without the right team behind you. Opace were excellent not only with the quality and timeliness of the product delivered but were responsive and user friendly throughout. I can’t recommend them highly enough!
Louise Portman

Business Owner

Skills used:

  • Responsive Magento Development
  • Brand Identity
  • Logo design
Dog destination portfolio 1
Dog destination portfolio 2
Dog destination portfolio 3
Dog destination portfolio 4
Dog destination portfolio 5