Editor’s Note: Our 2022 edition exploring VR eCommerce provides our latest take on the topic first explored in 2016 and again in 2019. All of our previous insights can be found below and remain un-touched apart from correcting the odd typo. This latest update extends...
How to Automate Social Media Posts with Hootsuite in 2019
In previous blogs we’ve talked about the importance of blogging and posting content frequently to social media. The problem is that sometimes if you are a small business, its hard to allocate time to sit on social networks all day posting interesting and informative...
Why You May Be Looking at Likes & Followers the Wrong Way
It's very common to hear from small businesses owners that they ‘want to increase their likes or follower count’ but when asked ‘why’ there is oftentimes no logical answer given. Isn’t it better to have more followers and likes, you might ask – generally of course but...
How Effective is Business Blogging for Your Content Marketing Strategy?
We’ve talked a lot about business blogging in our previous posts over the years, here are a few: https://opace.agency/blog/business-blogging-why-should-i-bother https://opace.agency/blog/simple-ways-to-generate-more-blog-traffic;...
How to Know When It’s Time for a Website Refresh
You may have seen some of our recent blog posts advising readers of which plugins are best and how to get the most out of your new website, but how do you know when you need to refresh your website and give it a facelift? Having a new website can be potentially...
The Advantages of Using WordPress as Your CMS
It has been nearly 5 years since we wrote our first article titled 'Why choose WordPress for your web design'. Back then, it was a fantastic blog and easy-to-use CMS (content management system) but how do things look for WordPress in late 2018/ 2019? Let's take a look...
Google Plus Shutting Down: Where Did It All Go Wrong?
Google Plus (otherwise known as Google+) is shutting down over the next 10 months due to a reported security vulnerability. Although social networks have struggled with the occasional security concern, this was likely the final nail in the coffin for the struggling...
How to Change a Custom Tab or Welcome Page on Your Facebook Business Page
As discussed in our previous blog post, there have been a number of changes since we first created our popular popular video tutorial on 'How to Customise a Static HTML: (iframe) tab' as part of our series on social media marketing. We've outlined detailed guidance...
How to Install a Custom Tab or Welcome Page on Your Facebook Business Page
It’s been six years since we first created our very popular video tutorial on ‘How to install a Static HTML (iframe) tab’ as part of our series on social media marketing. However, a lot has chance since then and we thought it was time to bring our advice up-to-date...
Social Media for Business: Is This an Effective B2B and B2C Marketing Tool?
Social Media for Business (B2B and B2C marketing) The social media industry is growing exponentially, and there are no signs of it slowing down any time soon. For businesses looking to expand, having an active social media presence is the way forward. In this article,...