Justice upheld
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  • Justice Upheld
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  • Last modified: September 12, 2024

Summary: Bespoke design, WordPress website development and social media branding for international humanitarian charity, Justice Upheld

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Case Study: Justice Upheld

Since 2015, we have been working with the international humanitarian charity Justice Upheld to develop their banding and a new website. We went through a process of bespoke design and branding, coming up with a series of creative options tailored to the client’s core values and messaging. Following approval of the designs, we developed a highly customisable WordPress website using the Divi Page Builder system to give the charity full control of their page layouts and features.

The Result

The website looks great and the client was over the moon. The branding has also been developed and implemented into the Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+. All of these have been optimised to provide a consistent brand impactful presence in Google search results.

Skills used:

  • Seo Support
Mobile view
Desktop view
Justice upheld mobile view
Justice upheld portfolio
Justice upheld desktop view