Pm connect
  • Customer Rating

  • Rated 5 stars
  • 100%

  • PM Connect
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  • Last modified: September 12, 2024

Summary: Improved organic brand presence on Google using a variety of strategies, including authority online business directories, social media content, blog writing, microsites design/copywriting and online PR.

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PM Connect first contacted Opace when they needed help to develop a strategy to improve their organic brand presence on Google. We devised a plan of action to help the business become established and optimised across a variety of online channels. This included authority online business directories, social media content, blog writing, microsites design/copywriting and online PR. To support the project, we have written 10,000 words of brand specific content which has now been published. We’re optimistic that PM Connect will very quickly be reaping the rewards of our efforts!

Skills used:

  • Seo Support
Pm connect portfolio 1
Pm connect portfolio 2
Pm connect portfolio 2
Pm connect portfolio 1