Urban social
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  • Urban Social
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on: January 11, 2018
  • Last modified: January 17, 2025

Summary: Working to enhance their seo and brand presence, we’ve been providing ongoing consultancy to the exciting online dating service, Urban Social.

Urban social logo

CASE STUDY: Urban Social

Project Description:

When Urban Social first approached Opace, they were seeking advice and support to get established on Wikipedia. We’ve since gone on to get Urban Social listed on Wikipedia and provide an ongoing seo consultancy service, to help increase their organic rankings and help ensure they stay on the right side of Google.

Urban Social was created by two singles looking for an online dating service where they could meet the sort of people they wanted to, like those you spot in the gym, at your local bar or on the way to work. The business owners initially approached Opace to help get them listed on Wikipedia.

This was a significant challenge given Wikipedia’s strict guidelines and notability criteria. We approached the project by firstly drafting and refining the Wikipedia content and helping to create additional reference content to be placed on prominent sites like BuzzFeed, which would strengthen and reinforce the brand.

After the campaign finished, we were asked to work with Urban Social as part of an ongoing seo consultancy project, which initially included detailed competitor research and a website audit project to highlight areas for improvement. This enabled us to create a long-term action plan, which is still underway with this client. We are currently part way through an infographic campaign designed around online dating facts and statistics. This will include an interesting range of content and digital marketing to further enhance the brand’s visibility on Google.

Skills used:

  • seo Support
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