Twitter Marketing Tips Social media and customer engagement are becoming more important for SEO – and that means they should become more important for every business. Perhaps the foremost social platform for businesses is Twitter1The appeal of Twitter marketing for a...
Top Tips for Getting Your Business Blog to #1
Successful Business Blogging Blogs are a great for businesses. Besides being a way to engage with customers, encourage feedback and build brand, done correctly business blogging is a relatively easy way to achieve high Google rankings with a minimum level of SEO...
Is Pinterest Useful for Your Business? Pinterest Marketing Insights
Pinterest marketing Social media marketing is already a complicated subject for some businesses. Finding time and content for the foremost popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin is time consuming already – not forgetting other forms of...
How Social Media Marketing Can Benefit Retail Businesses
Is now the time to start? As Napoleonce declared, the British are 'a nation of shopkeepers' and it is as true in 2012 as it was in 1815. Local stores always find trading conditions difficult - they have had to survive the onslaught of supermarkets and now are facing...
Google Penguin Algorithm Changes: What It Means for Your SEO
On 24th April, Google made the following announcement: "In the next few days, we're launching an important algorithm change targeted at web spam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google's existing quality guidelines." The...
EU Cookie Compliance: Regulations for Websites
Mayday – will your website be legal after the 26th? For every business with a website, May 26th is going to be a significant day as from this date all websites will need to comply with the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications. Very broadly, the...
Will Google Panda Lead to More SEO Training?
Speaking at SXSW event in March this year, Matt Cutts, the head of Google's WebSpam team, spoke of further major changes to the Google Algorithm – and we want to look at how this may require further SEO training for those who carry out their own SEO. Google Panda...
The Lessons of Kony 2012 for Social Media Marketing
What is Kony 2012? It might appear insensitive or even a little gruesome to look at the social media marketing implications of a thirty minute video dealing with a Uganda warlord, but we have to recognise that in much of social media marketing in business stems from...
4 Social Media Marketing Activities You Can Start Today
E-marketer reports: Among marketers who include social media as part of their overall strategy, 97% agree that it provides benefits and value to their business. 2012 may be the year that SMEs and sole proprietors begin to understand the benefits that social media...
How to Choose the Right SEO Training Course: A Step-by-Step Guide
So you've decided to learn more about SEO – either to better understand the principles and practices that can help your company achieve #1 in Google or to manage your own SEO. You can look to the internet for support, but an SEO training course can provide a focussed...