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Changing the routine

We are all used to being in a routine when it comes to our company’s social media accounts – we post regular updates (some on specific days) and run our blogs the same way. With this being the case, it’s easy to slip into auto pilot and miss opportunities when it comes to using your social media accounts optimally during holiday periods.

You know what it’s like around Christmas, your staff begin to wind down somewhat as the holiday approaches and you are less likely to notice a product or service that could benefit your business as most of us tend to postpone these type of decisions until the New Year. This is why it can be tricky to try to utilise your social accounts to gain business and seize opportunities during this period.

Christmas activities and contests

Because of how we all feel around Christmas, and with the previously mentioned issue of postponing solutions until the New Year, why not use this time to get on board with activities such as the Christmas jumper day which takes place in December. This is a great way of taking part in something festive and sharing your participation with images and video on social media. Getting in the festive spirit (which can be a great morale booster for staff) also benefits a charity at the same time. It ticks all the boxes! Although it’s not selling your services, relax – that’s ok! You will still be posting updates to your social accounts and keeping your company and brand in people’s minds over Christmas. You will be noticed for your fun posts, personality and not ignored.

Consider Vine for micro videos

In addition to Twitter and Facebook, there are so many ways you could utilise sites like Vine too with micro video. For example, if you are a bakery you are probably creating themed food for the occasion, so why not share your Christmas decorated gingerbread snacks or decorated mince pies in the form of a 5 second video each day? You can also share with Twitter at the push of a button along with the relevant hashtags. The whole process takes literally 10 seconds with the latest app updates to Vine making sharing even easier than before.

Think out-of-the-box

You can also use this time of year to run contents that might result in future business. You could, for example, ask users one of your networks to send you their Spotify Christmas playlists this year and the they will be entered into a Christmas raffle where you can offer the winner a free month of your service. It’s not being overly ‘salesy’ but its giving users a trial of a product or service they may be able to repeatedly benefit from in the future.

Reflect on the past year

This would be a great time to thank your clients for using your product or service, or compliment others that provide you with the same. Make Vine’s of your company using the  product of others you are connected with. Things are quiet for you on your networks so why not make the most of it by letting your clients know they aren’t just a customer to you and that you really appreciate them and their business?

You can also write blogs about your company, industry or sector, reflecting on the challenges you encountered this year or the successes you achieved. Predict trends for 2015, outline them and back up with data explaining why you think this is the case. Become the go-to source of information type of service you offer.

How do you use your social media accounts over Christmas and do you have any other suggestions for making the most of this festive period?

Image credit – Kevin Dooley

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