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Joomla Article

Content in a Joomla site is divided into articles. These can be long or short units of content and provide the basic elements of information the site. Most of the text and images on your site are within articles.

Joomla Category

Articles are placed in categories. Categories divide your articles into groups. This has no effect on how the pages look on the website, but it makes it easier to organise your articles from the administrator panel.

Joomla Section

Categories are placed in sections. Sections are the main division of content on your website. All articles must be placed in a category which is placed in a section. Again, this has no effect on how the pages look on the website, but it makes it easier to organise your articles from the administrator panel.

Media in Joomla

Media in Joomla generally means images, but it can refer to any non-HTML document on your site. Joomla includes an extensive media management system.

Web Links in joomla

Web links are links to external sites related to your site. You can put them in categories and use those to define where they should be displayed on the site.

News feeds in Joomla

News feeds in Joomla are another word for RSS feeds.


Extensions are how you get Joomla to do what you want it to do. There are five types of extensions in Joomla!:

  • component Components are almost like mini-applications that have both an administration piece and a customer piece. Components do things like handle user registration or set up user polls. Every menu item runs a component and components are driven by menu items.
  • module Modules are less powerful extensions that are used for page rendering. Modules are often seen as the “boxes” that are found around Joomla! sites such as the login module.
  • plugin Plugins are Joomla ad-ons that are triggered by code in an article e.g. video on the homepage. In the code are the settings for the plugin.
  • template The template is the design of your site. You manage the template to determine what content will be displayed where and how it will all look.
  • language Languages provide the basis for creating site translations.
  • menu Menus are the navigation system of a Joomla site. Every page and component is built with a menu. You define the menu, which also creates the page. The challenge is that most people think of a menu as just the list of pages. But the “menu” section of the Joomla administration is where you decide what modules and components will be on each page.



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