Business Case for Facebook B2B & B2C Social Media Marketing in 2018

Business Case for Facebook B2B & B2C Social Media Marketing in 2018

What are the benefits of Facebook and is there a business case for Facebook in 2018? How should B2B and B2C businesses optimise Facebook as a marketing tool, how does it compare to other social media platforms and does Facebook generate a positive ROI for...

The Importance of LinkedIn for B2B Marketing and Social Media

The Importance of LinkedIn for B2B Marketing and Social Media

With Microsoft's recent acquisition of LinkedIn (discussed here), we felt it was about time to talk about this incredibly important, and in some ways underrated, social tool. LinkedIn has grown to become a platform where much business is won and conducted, as well as...

Importance of building engagement on social media channels

Importance of building engagement on social media channels

Today, social media is considered to be one of the best ways businesses can engage with their target market but it takes much more than simply setting up a profile and sending out a message each day. In order to build your engagement and get the most out of social...

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