Facebook Timeline Features and Overview

Facebook Timeline Features and Overview

Facebook Timeline Features An overview of the Facebook Timeline features including: Cover Views Activity Logs Stories News Ticker Star or Hide This is one of a number of Facebook video tutorials and Facebook How To guides that we will be creating in order to help...

Facebook Timeline Layout

Facebook Timeline Layout

Please note this video tutorial was made for people who wanted very early access to the Facebook Timeline. This is now out-of-date and you can update your profile by simply going to http://www.facebook.com/about/timeline and clicking the green “get timeline” button at...

Top 3 Tips for improving your Facebook EdgeRank

Top 3 Tips for improving your Facebook EdgeRank

??Have you ever wondered why your business Facebook page is sitting stale with not as many likes and comments you had wished for? Well, it could be your fans have not even seen the post you have made due to Facebook’s EdgeRank system. Facebook EdgeRank What is...

Facebook marketing for business – why bother?

Facebook marketing for business – why bother?

Everyday more and more companies are registering a Facebook page for their business in the hope of driving more traffic to their website and increasing their online presence. Is Facebook really worth it and why should I bother? For most businesses, Facebook can have a...

SEO and Social Media – what’s best, Links or Likes?

SEO and Social Media – what’s best, Links or Likes?

SEO or social media for online marketing? With social media marketing becoming so intertwined with search engine optimsiation (SEO) and link building, you wouldn't be alone if you're getting a bit confused. You may be wondering which gives the better ROI – SEO or...

Using SEO and Social Media to build brand authority

Using SEO and Social Media to build brand authority

SEO and Social Media Your business website may have lots of usable and convincing content but this alone is not enough to gain new customers and revenue. When your website gets to this point, then it is time to create a link building strategy to boost your brand...

Social media marketing – why bother?

Why should businesses consider social media marketing? Ask any teenager what Facebook is and you will get an immediate response and detailed description as well as other social media platforms thrown into the discussion including Twitter and You Tube. All of these and...

If Facebook is free, why does my company have to pay for social media?

Social media for small businesses - If Facebook is free, why does my company have to pay for social media? When I speak to owners of small and medium sized businesses about social media, they often say something like: "Finally, after years of paying through the nose...

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