How to install extensions in Magento video tutorial

How to install extensions in Magento video tutorial

Installing extensions in Magento Magento Masterclass 3 – There are thousands of free Magento extensions to make ecommerce activities more effective. Our how to install extensions in Magento video tutorial masterclass shows you how to add these powerful tools in less...

How to add promotional codes & coupons in Magento video tutorial

How to add promotional codes & coupons in Magento video tutorial

Adding promo codes & coupons in Magento Magento Masterclass 2 – Coupons and promo codes add sales and brand loyalty. It’s so easy with Magento ecommerce – In this Magento video tutorial we'll show you how to add coupons and promotional codes to any Magento...

How to add products in Magento video tutorial

How to add products in Magento video tutorial

Adding products in Magento Magento Masterclass 1 – it’s easy to add new products to your Magento ecommerce website. In this 90 second how to add products in Magento video tutorial we'll show you how to add a product and it's various attributes to a Magento website in...

Magento designers maximise ecommerce potential

Magento designers maximise ecommerce potential

Benefits of ecommerce The benefits of ecommerce should sell themselves to every business. Whether you currently sell on a high street, farm shop or industrial park, ecommerce will add an extra revenue stream, reduce time spent on customer services and help with...

Plug-in to extra online sales with Magento development

Plug-in to extra online sales with Magento development

Magento Development... Since its launch on 2008, Magento has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms available. It’s ease of use, rich features and support community are perhaps three obvious reasons for its success. Many businesses are now able to harness...

Magento e-commerce for starters – and others

Magento e-commerce for starters – and others

Why Magento has emerged no. 1 for ecommerce The e-commerce software Magento has emerged as the no. 1 e-commerce platform choice for start-ups, according to a survey by BestVendor. The company surveyed largely marketing and admin staff in over 500 new businesses. All...

How to get your share of £5billion – go ecommerce!

How to get your share of £5billion – go ecommerce!

Despite an overall fall in adjusted retail sales figures this month, statistics to show that online sales continue to buck the trend by showing continual growth. Retail specialists KamCity reported (April 2011) the strongest online sales growth for 3 years: “As the...

Using Magento ecommerce to reduce selling costs and improve efficiency

Using Magento ecommerce to reduce selling costs and improve efficiency

When I first started working with clients on their websites, whenever one wanted an online shop my heart usually sank. Back then, even a comparatively simple database-driven ecommerce site was labour intensive for the developer, and therefore costly and ineffective...

Charity ecommerce: how Magento can do its bit for charity

Charity ecommerce: how Magento can do its bit for charity

Using Magento for charity ecommerce It’s a competitive world especially, it seems, for charities and not-for-profits. With over 188,000 registered charities in the UK alone and a recession-hit economy, it’s getting more difficult to raise the much needed funds. Public...

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