A first look at Facebook’s new ‘Rooms’ app

A first look at Facebook’s new ‘Rooms’ app

What are Facebook's ‘Rooms’? Facebook recently released their latest app ‘Rooms’ which looks to connect users of similar interests together and allow anonymous discussion similar to the chat rooms of the early days of the internet. Rooms support photos, videos and...

Social Media – Is it time for something new?

Social Media – Is it time for something new?

Recently we’ve seen a surge in popularity for new social networks such as ‘Ello’. Not just new social networks, but networks that actually try new things and aren’t as invasive when it comes to privacy. It makes me wonder, is it time for something new that could be...

What Google’s takeover of Twitch would have meant for content creators

What Google’s takeover of Twitch would have meant for content creators

Recent rumours almost became reality when Google were supposedly confirmed to be acquiring Twitch’s streaming service. This has led users and content creators to become concerned with the implications of this acquisition due to Google implementing unwelcome changes to...

Establishing objectives for your social media campaigns

Establishing objectives for your social media campaigns

When small businesses decide to take on social media, not all have a strategy or clearly defined objectives, so it becomes difficult to measure whether the social media is genuinely effective. Many run giveaways and competitions with the intention of growing likes and...

Pay-Per-Click copywriting tips

Pay-Per-Click copywriting tips

How to write compelling PPC ad copy If you are thinking of starting a Pay-Per-Click or PPC campaign there are lots of aspects to consider, from your on-page copy to who is responsible for delivering the Pay-Per-Click management. One very important aspect is writing...

Infographic: Rich Snippets for e-commerce and beginners

Infographic: Rich Snippets for e-commerce and beginners

So, what are rich snippets? Have you ever noticed that some listings in Google search results look so much better than others? You know, those ones that are equipped with little extras like images, prices and ratings? Well they have been created using rich snippets...

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