Is Content Curation the new weapon in successful SEO?

Is Content Curation the new weapon in successful SEO?

Google’s so-called Panda update will have an impact on all online marketing and SEO. It’s clear that good old fashioned content will play an increasingly important role in making sure websites are visible. This presents both opportunities for small businesses to...

Twitter marketing for business – why bother?

Twitter marketing for business – why bother?

Today, just about everyone will have heard of Twitter unless they have been hiding away somewhere. It is probably the fastest growing social network on the internet, taking the internet by storm with an average of 10,000 new sign ups on a daily basis. Twitter is a...

Facebook marketing for business – why bother?

Facebook marketing for business – why bother?

Everyday more and more companies are registering a Facebook page for their business in the hope of driving more traffic to their website and increasing their online presence. Is Facebook really worth it and why should I bother? For most businesses, Facebook can have a...

Do like Dell – become a social brand

Do like Dell – become a social brand

Using social media marketing to become a social brand The social brands Top 100 survey was released recently and at first glance it would be easy to think that the list means nothing to the average SME or sole trader. They don’t have the ‘name’ or resources to make...

Valuable internet marketing strategies that achieve quick results

Valuable internet marketing strategies that achieve quick results

Top 3 internet marketing strategies for quick results The internet is part of everyday life and is constantly changing all the time which is why businesses need to take hold of these changes and use them to their advantage by adopting the internet marketing strategies...

Creating a website that attracts and keeps visitors

Creating a website that attracts and keeps visitors

The single most critical factor for website success is attracting visitors and retaining those visitors. By building a web community around your site and using the correct keywords, you can quickly grow your gain online presence and rise up in the search engine...

How to increase the number of comments on your blog

How to increase the number of comments on your blog

Those of us that blog, whether for business or personally, we write them to prompt some sort of discussion.  We post blogs in the hope that when it is read, a comment will be left. However, this is not always the case.  Here are some tips on getting your blog read and...

Google Panda and what it means for your website and SEO

Google Panda and what it means for your website and SEO

Does Panda mean extinction for your website? Last Monday, 11th April, Google confirmed that it’s latest algorithm changes, codenamed ‘Panda’, would be rolled out across English-speaking websites following it’s introduction in the USA a month previously. Amendments to...

Is it time to stop ‘blogging’?

Is it time to stop ‘blogging’?

Commercial value in blogging... Let’s play a game. Consider the following three statements: ‘advertising could help me sell more’ ‘marketing will get my company noticed’ ‘my website can give me a competitive advantage’ If you used those statements when talking to a...

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