How Businesses & Marketers Can Use Virtual Reality (VR Marketing)

How Businesses & Marketers Can Use Virtual Reality (VR Marketing)

While it can’t be denied that the primary use for virtual reality currently is for gamers, businesses are quickly coming to realise that the use of virtual reality could play a big role in the way in which they market to their customers. This article is part of...

Open Source Virtual Reality & What This Means for Business

Open Source Virtual Reality & What This Means for Business

In our previous article we explored how businesses and marketers can use VR. In this article we are looking specifically at open source. Those who know us here at Opace well know that we were established from a firm belief that open source technology and platforms are...

Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality & the Applications for Business

Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality & the Applications for Business

In our previous article we examined what open source VR could mean for business. Alongside the rise of virtual reality, the tech world is also witnessing the rise of augmented reality. It is not meant to act as a competitor to virtual reality, but instead offers...

Has Magento 2 Arrived Too Late? The Lowdown from Opace

Has Magento 2 Arrived Too Late? The Lowdown from Opace

As many of our eCommerce customers will know we're big advocates of Magento here at Opace. In this article we're exploring Magento 2 and whether it's still relevant in 2016 and beyond. Magento 2, the eagerly awaited update to the highly popular eCommerce platform...

Important Google Changes Update – August 2015

Important Google Changes Update – August 2015

Here at Opace, we make it our mission to keep you up to date with the latest Google changes. Over the last month or so the search engine has been very busy making alterations to local search and AdWords, in addition to rolling out various algorithm updates. See below...