LinkedIn Company Pages LinkedIn company pages offer a powerful way to connect with like-minded professionals, whether it's to attract your target demographic or take part in engaging discussions online, using LinkedIn company pages will help to boost your chances with...
How to Create and Use LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn Groups LinkedIn groups offer a powerful way to connect with like-minded professionals, whether it's to attract your target demographic or take part in engaging discussions online, using LinkedIn groups will help to boost your chances with one of the fastest...
Will Google Panda Lead to More SEO Training?
Speaking at SXSW event in March this year, Matt Cutts, the head of Google's WebSpam team, spoke of further major changes to the Google Algorithm – and we want to look at how this may require further SEO training for those who carry out their own SEO. Google Panda...
4 Social Media Marketing Activities You Can Start Today
E-marketer reports: Among marketers who include social media as part of their overall strategy, 97% agree that it provides benefits and value to their business. 2012 may be the year that SMEs and sole proprietors begin to understand the benefits that social media...
How to Create a 100% Complete LinkedIn Profile (Part 2)
Creating a LinkedIn profile video blog 100% completed LinkedIn profile takes minutes and boosts your chances of making the most from one of the fastest growing social media marketing applications. The second part of Alexis Belle's step by step video guide shows you...
How to Create a LinkedIn Profile (Part 1)
Creating a LinkedIn profile video blog Setting up your LinkedIn account for social media marketing just got easier – and a whole lot more effective – thanks to our step-by-step video guide. Alexis Belle shows you how to complete your profile to maximise opportunities...
What is LinkedIn?
Introduction to LinkedIn... LinkedIn should be an integral part of the social media marketing for every business. In this video, we show how to make the most of your LinkedIn account to help you build brand, develop your client base and win more business. It's the...
What is Twitter and How is it Used in Social Media Marketing?
An introduction to Twitter... Not using Twitter as part of your social media marketing? Our 3 minute guide gives you the basics, and shows why Twitter marketing is the #1 activity for social media marketing. Powerful, and so simple to use that any business can...
Maximise your SEO Strategy: 7 ways to convert your number 1 position into sales
Congratulations. Your SEO strategy has worked and you find yourself #1 on Google - time to sit back and let the £s roll in. However for most businesses the truth is somewhat less rosy. All the SEO strategy is wasted if customers cannot find what they were searching...
Great January Resolutions for Your Business Website and Marketing
The New Year is behind us but January is a still a good time for business of all types and sizes to review, plan and implement their business website and Internet marketing activities. So here is our guide to getting the best out of your Internet marketing: 1....