Step-by-step guide to choosing the right SEO training course

Step-by-step guide to choosing the right SEO training course

So you’ve decided to learn more about SEO – either to better understand the principles and practices that can help your company achieve #1 in Google or to manage your own SEO. You can look to the internet for support, but an SEO training course can provide a focussed...

DIY SEO – a complete guide to SEO!

DIY SEO – a complete guide to SEO!

DIY SEO - Part 2 in our SEO Made Simple series Our SEO e-books are part of our wider “do-it-yourself” series of Internet marketing guides and video blogs, all of which can be accessed FOR FREE when you Like our Facebook page. Introduction Search Engine Optimisation...

SEO in a nutshell e-book

SEO in a nutshell e-book

SEO in a nutshell - Part 1 in our SEO Made Simple series Our SEO e-books are part of our wider “do-it-yourself” series of Internet marketing guides, all of which can be accessed FOR FREE when you Like our Facebook page. Introduction Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)...

Canonical SEO and the Canonical URL problem

Canonical SEO and the Canonical URL problem

URL SEO and Canonicalization Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an expression used to cover a broad variety of techniques and strategies that are used to optimise your website so that it can attain a high position in search engine results for a particular keyword or...

Top tips for using Google Analytics to measure SEO results

Top tips for using Google Analytics to measure SEO results

Using Google Analytics to measure SEO In any search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign, it is imperative to measure the progress of your SEO efforts when it comes to your website and how it ranks in the search engines. This is an ongoing task that includes thorough...

SEO – The importance of building good quality links

Off page optimisation and link building When creating your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy, the critical factors you always need to consider are: carefully considering and placing your keywords; and building good quality links back to your website. This...

SEO – What is keyword density and how to avoid keyword stuffing?

What is keyword density? Keyword density is an indication of the number of times the selected keyword appears on a web page. However, it should be noted that keywords should not be over used, but just sufficient enough to appear at important places. By repeating your...

SEO and Keywords: how to identify the right keywords

SEO and Keywords When conducting research to identify the correct keywords for SEO you need to ask yourself some basic questions. For example, what would a person type into a search engine to get to your site? What keywords would you associate with your business? What...

SEO Hints and tips for keyword optimisation

Are you asking "How do I optimise my website for keywords?" When creating your search engine optimisation strategy, the critical factors you should consider are: carefully considering and placing your keywords; and building quality links back to your website that...

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