Facebook Ads: the hidden gem of B2B marketing and recruitment?

Facebook Ads: the hidden gem of B2B marketing and recruitment?

Facebook Ads in 2014 Long before Facebook started offering “suggested posts”, “sponsored ads” and the variety of different options they have today, Opace were offering more traditional B2B internet marketing services, including SEO, social media and of course Pay Per...

Does Twitter Marketing work?

Does Twitter Marketing work?

Push and Pulls for Twitter Every social media or online marketing agency will encourage businesses to look at social media marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy. There are ‘pushes and pulls’ for this belief. The push is greater engagement with clients...

Introducing #TWIPS (Twitter Tips)

Introducing #TWIPS (Twitter Tips)

What’s a #TWIP? What’s a #twip? Well it as Twitter Tip – and we have lots of them designed to make your Twitter marketing really deliver. Twitter is increasingly being used by organisations to maintain contact with their customer base on a regular basis. It’s a great...

Is micro web video a good idea?

Is micro web video a good idea?

Why Micro Web? The growth of Twitter as a social and marketing tool has encouraged businesses and marketers to think small – concentrating key messages within 140 characters. With a few years of honing this technique, is it now the time to do the same for video? Many...

Is it time to clean up your social media activity?

Is it time to clean up your social media activity?

Is it time to fling open the windows, let the fresh air blow away some cobwebs and start all those essential household chores you have put off in time for the long cold winter. For businesses, now would be a good time to do something similar for their social media...

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