Web Design and SEO – An Unequal Partnership?

Web Design and SEO – An Unequal Partnership?

A marketer I know and respect said to me: “with all of the open source content management systems and free templates seemingly by the million, it must be great for businesses today because they don’t have to pay £1000s for their websites”. He’s right of course – but...

Need a new website? Think again.

Need a new website? Think again.

In a recent edition of design journal The Drum, CEO of Brightfire John Hornell advised businesses who were thinking of redesigning their website to think again and offers some very cogent reasons why. Really this argument is another strand in the debate between the...

Is running a website now for experts only?

Is running a website now for experts only?

In theory, recent changes in web design and related-areas should mean that small businesses can design, build and manage their own website without any expert help or outside guidance. The reality, however, is a different story. For small businesses and small...

Will Digital Districts bring real growth in Birmingham?

Will Digital Districts bring real growth in Birmingham?

Birmingham City Council’s Digital Plan Birmingham City Council’s Digital Plan is over a half a decade old now and its Digital Districts programme is almost a year old. In the light of continued economic depression it may be worth looking a whether any such scheme will...

Magento e-commerce for starters – and others

Magento e-commerce for starters – and others

Why Magento has emerged no. 1 for ecommerce The e-commerce software Magento has emerged as the no. 1 e-commerce platform choice for start-ups, according to a survey by BestVendor. The company surveyed largely marketing and admin staff in over 500 new businesses. All...

7 Great Reasons why your business need a Blog

7 Great Reasons why your business need a Blog

Far from being a fad whose appeal will soon fade away, blogging is the social media marketing for SMEs and start-ups. Here are some of the best reasons why: 1. Google loves them You need to get your website seen so you need to make sure Google not only sees but also...

Is it time to go mobile?

Is it time to go mobile?

Sometimes it’s hard not to feel sorry for small businesses who simply want their website to bring them more business. Recently they have had to deal with the impact of the growth in social media, Google’s shifting algorithm that emphasises more on relevant regularly...

How to get your share of £5billion – go ecommerce!

How to get your share of £5billion – go ecommerce!

Despite an overall fall in adjusted retail sales figures this month, statistics to show that online sales continue to buck the trend by showing continual growth. Retail specialists KamCity reported (April 2011) the strongest online sales growth for 3 years: “As the...

Is Content Curation the new weapon in successful SEO?

Is Content Curation the new weapon in successful SEO?

Google’s so-called Panda update will have an impact on all online marketing and SEO. It’s clear that good old fashioned content will play an increasingly important role in making sure websites are visible. This presents both opportunities for small businesses to...

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