Is It Time to Go Mobile?

Is It Time to Go Mobile?

Sometimes it's hard not to feel sorry for small businesses who simply want their website to bring them more business. Recently they have had to deal with the impact of the growth in social media, Google's shifting algorithm that emphasises more on relevant regularly...

eCommerce Tips for How to Get Your Share of £5 Billion

eCommerce Tips for How to Get Your Share of £5 Billion

Despite an overall fall in adjusted retail sales figures this month, statistics to show that online sales continue to buck the trend by showing continual growth. Retail specialists KamCity reported (April 2011) the strongest online sales growth for 3 years: "As the...

New Ways of Thinking in Web Design and SEO

New Ways of Thinking in Web Design and SEO

A website revolution is occurring The impact of social media, major changes to Google's algorithm and the importance of local search etc. are all having a major change of how websites are built, maintained and marketed. A website revolution is occurring – whether we...

Is Content Curation the New Weapon for Successful SEO?

Is Content Curation the New Weapon for Successful SEO?

Google's so-called Panda update will have an impact on all online marketing and SEO. It's clear that good old fashioned content will play an increasingly important role in making sure websites are visible. This presents both opportunities for small businesses to punch...

Top 5 WordPress Plugins for Your Website

Top 5 WordPress Plugins for Your Website

Essential WordPress plug-ins for your business Increasingly small businesses are using WordPress, not as a blogging platform but as a CMS. It's easy to use, offers great free or low cost themes and excellent support so it's no surprise that it continues to grow in...

Joomla vs WordPress: Which CMS is Best for Business?

Joomla vs WordPress: Which CMS is Best for Business?

Joomla vs. WordPress comparison It really is a golden age for any business who wants to build their own website or revamp an existing website that is failing to deliver. Any entrepreneur with some experience of a PC or Mac, time to spare and an ability to write...

How to Create a Website that Attracts and Keeps Visitors

How to Create a Website that Attracts and Keeps Visitors

The single most critical factor for website success is attracting visitors and retaining those visitors. By building a web community around your site and using the correct keywords, you can quickly grow your gain online presence and rise up in the search engine...

How to Increase the Number of Comments on Your Blog

How to Increase the Number of Comments on Your Blog

Those of us that blog, whether for business or personally, we write them to prompt some sort of discussion.  We post blogs in the hope that when it is read, a comment will be left. However, this is not always the case.  Here are some tips on getting your blog read and...

How Magento Ecommerce Reduces Selling Costs

How Magento Ecommerce Reduces Selling Costs

When I first started working with clients on their websites, whenever one wanted an online shop my heart usually sank. Back then, even a comparatively simple database-driven ecommerce site was labour intensive for the developer, and therefore costly and ineffective...

Will Websites Still Exist in 5 Years or Will Social Media Take Over?

Will Websites Still Exist in 5 Years or Will Social Media Take Over?

Ask yourself a question: Should we say goodbye to the company website? More and more companies are jumping on the social media bandwagon and are using this platform to engage with existing customers as well as attracting potential new customers. Social media is seen...