Valuable internet marketing strategies that achieve quick results

Valuable internet marketing strategies that achieve quick results

Top 3 internet marketing strategies for quick results The internet is part of everyday life and is constantly changing all the time which is why businesses need to take hold of these changes and use them to their advantage by adopting the internet marketing strategies...

Creating a website that attracts and keeps visitors

Creating a website that attracts and keeps visitors

The single most critical factor for website success is attracting visitors and retaining those visitors. By building a web community around your site and using the correct keywords, you can quickly grow your gain online presence and rise up in the search engine...

How to increase the number of comments on your blog

How to increase the number of comments on your blog

Those of us that blog, whether for business or personally, we write them to prompt some sort of discussion.  We post blogs in the hope that when it is read, a comment will be left. However, this is not always the case.  Here are some tips on getting your blog read and...

Is it time to stop ‘blogging’?

Is it time to stop ‘blogging’?

Commercial value in blogging... Let’s play a game. Consider the following three statements: ‘advertising could help me sell more’ ‘marketing will get my company noticed’ ‘my website can give me a competitive advantage’ If you used those statements when talking to a...

Blogging tips: Top ten tips for getting your Blog read –- and reread

How to write a successful Blog that will get read - and reread Blogging can help you raise your business profile and lead to new customers and sales. However, according to the latest stats, there are over 175,000 new blogs created everyday. So if you are blogging – or...

Business Blogging: when it comes to blogs do you have the F-factor?

How to write a successful Blog See how overcoming your fears can help you to Blog better I’ve yet to meet anybody who ran their own business who hadn’t got lots of opinions – but ask them to write a blog and suddenly they have nothing to say! They may even understand...

Internet Marketing Advice – Top 10 tips to get your website noticed

Have you had a website created but you are struggling to get any enquiries? Are you wondering “how can I get my website found?” Here are our Top 10 tips to get your website noticed: Build relevant keywords into your website – Think about the words that people enter...

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