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E-marketer reports: Among marketers who include social media as part of their overall strategy, 97% agree that it provides benefits and value to their business. 2012 may be the year that SMEs and sole proprietors begin to understand the benefits that social media marketing will bring in increased customer engagement, brand building and ultimately increased sales.

But to get the ball rolling here are social media marketing strategies that any business can start today:

1 – Be Active

We cannot necessarily tell you which social media platform will be successful for your business, but we do know that what works best in social media marketing is being active on whatever platform you use. If you use Twitter, tweet 3 or 4 times a day; ideally at different times to maximise reach. If you use LinkedIn, contribute daily; either through a group or by updating your business page. Being active is more important than being original. Retweeting, liking and bookmarking other people’s content is great – as long as it’s relevant to your core business message and interesting to your potential client base.

2 – Use your expertise

Wherever you can, use your expertise, experience and knowledge to support, help and advice others. Become a member of relevant forums, respond to blogs, add to product review sites. These might not seem like social media marketing activities, but they are and, over time, will help establish you as a trusted authority – and that will mean extra business. Despite its immediacy, much social media marketing will produce results after a fair amount of activity – don’t expect overnight results, and don’t use every contribution as an opportunity to advertise.

3 – Make some offers

Businesses and marketers would like to think that social media marketing is all about engagement and brand building. Customers value this but they value offers, freebies, discounts and giveaways even more highly! So use your social media marketing to make some offers – not all the time but enough of the time to make your ‘fans’ realise it is worth paying attention to what you have to say as they might get something for nothing. I have worked with established international brands and they spend £1000s on sampling, giveaways and freebies. You’re offer will be more moderate but will have the same effect.

4 – Engage the Team

Thinking that only you as a business owner can carry out social media marketing usually leads to two results; either, it doesn’t get done or the activity has the same tone all the time. But the best social media marketing for small companies involve other people – employees, of course, but others too – partners (as in wives, husbands), suppliers, clients (in the form of testimonials etc.) and even friends who want to contribute. Their perspective on the business will add a variety of tone that will increase your customer engagement. Here are four quick and easy tips that will help you start – and continue – your social media marketing, but if you need more help and support with your social media strategy, feel free to contact our team on [email protected] to see how we can help. If you found this tutorial helpful then please click the Like or Tweet button below or leave a comment. Remember to watch this space as we will be releasing a range of social media marketing video tutorials over the coming months.

Image credit – Automotive Social


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