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Do we really trust written words?

We all like testimonials, but do we really trust them when just presented to us as text? For me hearing first-hand experiences from customers and clients happy with a certain product or service is far more reliable. This combined with seeing a regular presence on Twitter and Facebook helps put my mind at ease when looking at business reputability when using a new company for a product or service.

Embedding video testimonials onto your website

If you use a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, you can easily download plugins that allow you to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video by allowing the software to automatically embed the video to which every page you want. If you don’t want to use a plugin or you don’t use a CMS, you can simply click on the share button YouTube which will bring up the below options:

Youtube ads

Creating a testimonial playlist on YouTube

If you have a YouTube channel that you use, it would be advisable to create a playlist that anyone can view when looking at your channel page. Within this playlist, users can watch all of your testimonials in an easy to use playlist consisting of all the videos. (As a quick note, you should really categorise all of your videos into playlists for convenience of everyone watching). By recording these videos you also gain a nice bit of relevant content to post onto your social networks.

When and where to capture video testimonials

Whenever you have completed your service and you have a client or customer present, ask them if they would mind saying a few words about your service and why they would recommend the service. It doesn’t have to be a professional recording as such, most mobile phones use HD video capture now and the importance is in the testimonial itself. Video editing can be applied after should you wish but the most important thing is to get the footage recorded. They can even do this via their webcam from home or their office. You could even try to incentivise testimonials by rewarding customers for their efforts.

Useful feedback doesn’t always need to be positive

When we think about testimonials or getting feedback, we can often only want to collect positive feedback to show how good your service is. Capturing negative feedback and dealing with it in a constructive way is just as important if not even more important than receiving positive feedback. If someone has some constructive criticism that they have left in a feedback form or review section of a website, thank them for the feedback and assure them that you are using this to improve your service in the future. Not only will this let the client know that you care about their experiences, it lets them know that you are trying to provide the best service as possible which can go a long way when trying to attract returning business.

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