Adobe proclaims 2013 ?the year of content?

Adobe proclaims 2013 ?the year of content?

In the latest survey from Econsulting and software giants Adobe one message is clear – that content marketing is the main concern for inhouse marketers (and we would suggest social media agency) as they look forward to 2013. The report ‘Digital Trends 2013’ is based...

Valuable internet marketing strategies that achieve quick results

Valuable internet marketing strategies that achieve quick results

Top 3 internet marketing strategies for quick results The internet is part of everyday life and is constantly changing all the time which is why businesses need to take hold of these changes and use them to their advantage by adopting the internet marketing strategies...

Internet Marketing Advice – Top 10 tips to get your website noticed

Have you had a website created but you are struggling to get any enquiries? Are you wondering “how can I get my website found?” Here are our Top 10 tips to get your website noticed: Build relevant keywords into your website – Think about the words that people enter...

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