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Why Good Content Matters: SEO Content Creation Guidelines [UPDATED]
One of the most basic SEO challenges many website owners face is the lack of good content, but what do we mean by this? Good content can mean very different things depending on who you speak to – their background, expertise, and personal preferences will all come into...
Top Tips for Getting Your Business Blog to #1
Successful Business Blogging Blogs are a great for businesses. Besides being a way to engage with...
Is Pinterest Useful for Your Business? Pinterest Marketing Insights
Pinterest marketing Social media marketing is already a complicated subject for some businesses....
Is now the time to start? As Napoleonce declared, the British are 'a nation of shopkeepers' and it...
Google Penguin Algorithm Changes: What It Means for Your SEO
On 24th April, Google made the following announcement: "In the next few days, we're launching an...
How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page (Part 2)
LinkedIn Company Pages How to create a LinkedIn Business Page (Company Page) Part 2
How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page (Part 1)
LinkedIn Company Pages LinkedIn company pages offer a powerful way to connect with like-minded...
Mayday – will your website be legal after the 26th? For every business with a website, May 26th is...
How to Create and Use LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn Groups LinkedIn groups offer a powerful way to connect with like-minded professionals,...
Will Google Panda Lead to More SEO Training?
Speaking at SXSW event in March this year, Matt Cutts, the head of Google's WebSpam team, spoke of...
How to Customise a CMS Page in Magento: Video Tutorial
Customising a CMS page in Magento Magento Masterclass 5 – Google loves new content! Your customers...
How to Process an Order in Magento: Video Tutorial
Processing an order in Magento Magento Masterclass 4 – Process Magento ecommerce orders first...
How to Install Extensions in Magento: Video Tutorial
Installing extensions in Magento Magento Masterclass 3 – There are thousands of free Magento...
How to Add Promotional Codes & Coupons in Magento: Video Tutorial
Adding promo codes & coupons in Magento Magento Masterclass 2 – Coupons and promo codes add...
What is Kony 2012? It might appear insensitive or even a little gruesome to look at the social...
Facebook Timeline Changes for Fan Pages (Business Pages)
Facebook Timeline Changes - March 2012 This is a brief video introduction about the Facebook...
How to Add Products in Magento: Video Tutorial
Adding products in Magento Magento Masterclass 1 – it's easy to add new products to your Magento...
Magento Designers Maximise eCommerce Potential
Benefits of ecommerce The benefits of ecommerce should sell themselves to every business. Whether...
E-marketer reports: Among marketers who include social media as part of their overall strategy,...
How to Create a 100% Complete LinkedIn Profile (Part 2)
Creating a LinkedIn profile video blog 100% completed LinkedIn profile takes minutes and boosts...
How to Create a LinkedIn Profile (Part 1)
Creating a LinkedIn profile video blog Setting up your LinkedIn account for social media marketing...