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Are you asking “How do I optimise my website for keywords?”

When creating your search engine optimisation strategy, the critical factors you should consider are:

  • carefully considering and placing your keywords; and
  • building quality links back to your website that people will want to respond to.

Taking this into account, there are some basic tips for keyword optimisation that can help you to carry out a successful search engine optimisation campaign:

Tip#1 – Always place your main keyword at the beginning of the title

When you put the wheels in motion for your search engine optimisation, one fundamental factor that you should always keep in mind is that when you are developing quality SEO strategies, you should always keep the keyword as close as possible to the beginning of the Meta Title. By doing this it will be better received by all the major search engines and will also help boost your chances of being found for that keyword.

Tip#2 – Keep an eye on your keyword density

When you are planning your SEO, more does not necessarily mean better. You need to keep a close eye and pay attention to keyword density placement on a given web page on a particular website. A general rule of thumb is to have keyword density somewhere in the range of between two to five per cent.

Tip#3 – Keyword or keywords in the domain name

The best tip for good quality search engine optimisation is having the keyword or keyword phrase in the domain name. If you achieve this then you have hit the jackpot. Generally this means is search engines will rate you higher if you have the keyword or keyword phrase included within the domain name itself.

Tip#4 – Keyword phrase order

For search engine optimisation to be of any importance, you need to try and think how the person searching may spell and order a particular search term. It is extremely good practice to develop a keyword phrase that will most likely be in the order in which a person might spell out a query in the search engine.

Tip#5 – Keyword competition

When it comes to SEO you have to be specific with your keywords. It can be very difficult to achieve results when targeting terms with high traffic yields in a space where many compete for the same traffic. It will become apparent sooner rather than later whether you are competing for terms such as ‘Restaurants’, ‘Flowers’ or ‘Web Design’. It is imperative that you dig deep and consider more specific keywords for your SEO content. Such terms may be ‘Restaurants in Manchester City Centre’, ‘Buy Wedding Flowers’ or ‘Brochure Web Design’ . The Google Keyword Tool is free and can help you to identify these terms: Remember people search for specific queries and it is these people that make up your targeted audience.

Getting SEO support

For those just getting started with building an online presence, SEO strategy can be very difficult to understand. It is essential to look for reliable search engine optimisation consultants who can help you to get your business website to the top of the search engines in an ethical manner. You could even consider SEO training courses to help develop your knowledge. Successful SEO consultants and web marketers study keywords to know which ones will work and which ones won’t. The higher the keyword search volume and the higher your website ranks in search engines, the more people will visit it. Over the next few weeks we will be covering a series of SEO topics in more depth. Please follow us @opaceweb on Twitter and find us on Facebook for information blog updates, and feel free to subscribe to our feed.


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