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1. Professional and User Generated produced video can be effective

High regarded internet research organisation Comscore released a study that looked at the sales effectiveness of professionally produced online video production: the lift in preference for both featured products and the Brands total line was 25% higher after watching. User-generated video generated stronger purchase presence at a lower 16% but what’s interesting is that the combination of professionally produced AND user-generated video produced a combined 35% increase in purchase preference.

2. Video drives purchasing behaviour

A recent study reported that ’64% of consumers have researched a product as a result of watching a tech-related video in recent months and close to half of them then looked for a product in a retail store (45%), visited a vendor website or contacted a vendor for information (45%), or purchased a product (44%).’ Further, according to Internet Retailer over 50% of the people who watch online videos claim that those videos make them more confident about buying a product. This same report also stated that visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not.

3. Social media gets more social with video

Another recent report indicated that web video is the key driver to effective social marketing and that social media marketing with video should be a priority initiative for marketers in 2013 . The report outlines three basic reasons that video and social media are such a good fit:

  • people like watching video online
  • people tend to share things they like
  • creating sharable content differentiates you from your competitors

The study concludes that ’Brands that create video clips for their specific audiences are likely to see success if videos are shared on social sites, as internet users spend 2.5x more time watching short videos that are personally relevant.’

4. Video generates higher engagement

According to Facebook’s best-practices guide, posts including a video generate about 100% more engagement than the average post. Video also converts and an offer than combines text and video is the most effective. Including both formats allows the user to consume the content in the manner which is most suitable to user.

5. Quality video boosts your brand

Yet another study found that viewer enjoyment of branded video is important because it has a direct impact on key brand metrics. Viewers who enjoyed the video they watched demonstrated 139% higher brand association, 97% higher purchase intent, 35% higher brand favourability, and 14% higher brand recall than their counterparts who did not enjoy the video.

Image credit – microbiologybytes

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