E-newsletters: The Original Social Media for Business

E-newsletters: The Original Social Media for Business

While lots of small businesses think ecommerce is a matter of good web design and SEO, today there is an increasing focus on social media. It might be a good time to look again at the value of perhaps ecommerce's original social media – the enewsletter and email...

Top 3 Tips to Improve Facebook EdgeRank

Top 3 Tips to Improve Facebook EdgeRank

?? Have you ever wondered why your business Facebook page is sitting stale with not as many likes and comments you had wished for? Well, it could be your fans have not even seen the post you have made due to Facebook's EdgeRank system. Facebook EdgeRank What is...

Why Bother with YouTube Marketing for Business?

Why Bother with YouTube Marketing for Business?

YouTube has turned into an internet phenomenon with over 50 million viewers watching more than 100 million videos each month, and it just keeps on growing. YouTube isn't just for home made videos or videos of animals doing funny things. YouTube is also a high impact...

Why Bother with Twitter Marketing for Business?

Why Bother with Twitter Marketing for Business?

Today, just about everyone will have heard of Twitter unless they have been hiding away somewhere. It is probably the fastest growing social network on the internet, taking the internet by storm with an average of 10,000 new sign ups on a daily basis. Twitter is a...

Why Bother with Facebook Marketing for Business?

Why Bother with Facebook Marketing for Business?

Everyday more and more companies are registering a Facebook page for their business in the hope of driving more traffic to their website and increasing their online presence. Is Facebook really worth it and why should I bother? For most businesses, Facebook can have a...

How to Become a Social Brand Like Dell

How to Become a Social Brand Like Dell

Using social media marketing to become a social brand The social brands Top 100 survey was released recently and at first glance it would be easy to think that the list means nothing to the average SME or sole trader. They don't have the 'name' or resources to make...

Will Websites Still Exist in 5 Years or Will Social Media Take Over?

Will Websites Still Exist in 5 Years or Will Social Media Take Over?

Ask yourself a question: Should we say goodbye to the company website? More and more companies are jumping on the social media bandwagon and are using this platform to engage with existing customers as well as attracting potential new customers. Social media is seen...

Why Facebook is a Social Media Phenomenon

Why Facebook is a Social Media Phenomenon

The Facebook phenomenon Ever since it was created, Facebook has taken the world by storm. No one ever imagined how big this social network would become. Just recently, Facebook exceeded 500 million users and has now become the number one activity on the internet. From...

SEO and Social Media: Links or Likes?

SEO and Social Media: Links or Likes?

SEO or social media for online marketing? With social media marketing becoming so intertwined with search engine optimsiation (SEO) and link building, you wouldn't be alone if you're getting a bit confused. You may be wondering which gives the better ROI – SEO or...

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