The Importance of Building Quality SEO Links

Off-page optimisation and link-building When creating your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy, the critical factors you always need to consider are: carefully considering and placing your keywords; and building good quality links back to your website. This...

What is SEO: 3-Minute Introduction to SEO Guide

What is SEO: 3-Minute Introduction to SEO Guide

What is SEO? Wondering What is SEO? Every business owner who has a website must know that to keep their head in the game, their business must be listed and easily findable on all the major search engines. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the most important piece of...

Google Places and Local SEO Tips

Google Places and Local SEO Tips

Google Places and Local Search Engine Optimisation You may have seen recently that the Google search engine results have changed. There have been two major changes recently, one being Google Places integration with organic search results and the other more publicised...