Are We the Most Loved Internet Marketing Agency in Birmingham?

Are We the Most Loved Internet Marketing Agency in Birmingham?

Opace annual customer survey 2012 The results of our annual customer survey have just been announced – and we think they are pretty impressive. As far as our clients are concerned we offer exceptional value, a clear understanding of their needs, and deliver noticeable...

How to Effectively Use Images in Web Design

How to Effectively Use Images in Web Design

Images are important when you are planning your website design for plenty of reasons, but they can also have a negative effect and this article attempts to help you maximise the effectiveness of your design. One area that is sometimes overlooked is the actual images...

How to Develop an Effective Local SEO Strategy

How to Develop an Effective Local SEO Strategy

For many smaller businesses who sell their products and services locally, developing localised SEO strategy with their SEO company is a great way to achieve more sales and build their business. There are a number of brilliant tools designed just for local business,...

How to Make the Most of Google Analytics for SEO

How to Make the Most of Google Analytics for SEO

Making the most of Google Analytics For a free and relatively easy to use tool, it's surprising how many businesses either don't have Google Analytics or – even worse – fail to regularly look at the very important data they can reveal about your website visitors....

Post-Panda SEO Checklist (Part 2)

Post-Panda SEO Checklist (Part 2)

Panda and Penguin Google's recent changes to how it ranks websites have started to have an effect on many businesses and the amount and type of SEO required to achieve high rankings has changed. Our previous blog...

Post-Panda SEO Checklist (Part 1)

Post-Panda SEO Checklist (Part 1)

Panda and Penguin Google's algorithm changes – commonly referred to as Panda and Penguin – have been designed to improve the search experience of Google's customers, which by now is almost the whole of the globe. Businesses are finding that their search engine ranking...

Top Tips for Getting Your Business Blog to #1

Top Tips for Getting Your Business Blog to #1

Successful Business Blogging Blogs are a great for businesses. Besides being a way to engage with customers, encourage feedback and build brand, done correctly business blogging is a relatively easy way to achieve high Google rankings with a minimum level of SEO...

Google Penguin Algorithm Changes: What It Means for Your SEO

Google Penguin Algorithm Changes: What It Means for Your SEO

On 24th April, Google made the following announcement: "In the next few days, we're launching an important algorithm change targeted at web spam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google's existing quality guidelines." The...

Will Google Panda Lead to More SEO Training?

Will Google Panda Lead to More SEO Training?

Speaking at SXSW event in March this year, Matt Cutts, the head of Google's WebSpam team, spoke of further major changes to the Google Algorithm – and we want to look at how this may require further SEO training for those who carry out their own SEO. Google Panda...