Opace would like to wish all of our customers a Happy New Year and many thanks for your business in 2015! Our last post provided 25 essential SEO and online marketing tools to consider for your business in 2016. In this article the focus is on our top four web design...
New Year = New Tools: Essential SEO and Online Marketing Tools for Your Business in 2016
New Year = New Tools, that’s our motto! Here at Opace we’ve been investigating the world of SEO and online marketing tools and have provided an analysis of each of them in this article. We realised that over the years we've built up a great portfolio of tools that we...
How to Get Your Story Seen: Acorns Children’s Hospice Web Design Case Study
There are some websites out there that offer great products and others which are for an extremely worthwhile cause, but no matter how outstanding the organisation is, without an equally outstanding website and marketing, you’re never going to be a success online. We...
Visual Social Media Marketing: Using Pinterest and YouTube for Business
2015 is the year of visual social media content. Visuals help to break through the clutter of online content and help businesses stand out from the crowd. Did you know that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual? Visual content is also processed...
The Importance of Building Engagement on Social Media Channels
Today, social media is considered to be one of the best ways businesses can engage with their target market but it takes much more than simply setting up a profile and sending out a message each day. In order to build your engagement and get the most out of social...
Google Introduces Starred Ratings & Reviews from Google+ in AdWords Listings
Noticed something different about Google Ads? Last week, Google explained that starred ratings and reviews from Google+ (My Business) will be shown on Google AdWords listings: Last year we made it easier to manage location extensions by automatically linking your...
How to Optimise Your CMS for Users and SEO
Are you happy with your website’s performance and/or SEO? Do you think it is meeting the needs of your visitors? If the answer is no, then it may be time to get to work on making some tweaks and improvements, or maybe even if you answered “yes”. To give you a helping...
Google Announces Elevated Rankings for Mobile-Friendly Websites
Google has recently announced that it plans to release a new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm designed to elevate the rankings of mobile friendly websites. It will make it much easier for users to identify sites offering a great mobile experience in mobile searches...
What to Expect in Digital Marketing
2014 has been an interesting year for the internet and social media. We have seen things such as the ALS ice bucket challenge take off, continued attempts to filter the internet as well as e-sports taking off in such a big way. An interesting end to the year came with...
Has Being Connected Made Us Disconnected from Ourselves?
A nation obsessed with technology and social media After publishing my previous blogs about Facebook and social networks for business, it’s easy to forget that Facebook is also a social network that we enjoy in our free time, to keep in touch with friends and family....