Is micro web video a good idea?

Is micro web video a good idea?

Why Micro Web? The growth of Twitter as a social and marketing tool has encouraged businesses and marketers to think small – concentrating key messages within 140 characters. With a few years of honing this technique, is it now the time to do the same for video? Many...

Is it time to clean up your social media activity?

Is it time to clean up your social media activity?

Is it time to fling open the windows, let the fresh air blow away some cobwebs and start all those essential household chores you have put off in time for the long cold winter. For businesses, now would be a good time to do something similar for their social media...

The impact Google Glass could have on existing software services

The impact Google Glass could have on existing software services

Location based services and Foursquare More and more people are signing up to location based services such as Foursquare, picking up discounts for regular visits to certain locations, badges for stopping by participating businesses and being able to track your past...

How to build trust by capturing video testimonials and feedback

How to build trust by capturing video testimonials and feedback

Do we really trust written words? We all like testimonials, but do we really trust them when just presented to us as text? For me hearing first-hand experiences from customers and clients happy with a certain product or service is far more reliable. This combined with...

Do I need to focus on both Google AdWords and organic listings?

Do I need to focus on both Google AdWords and organic listings?

Difference between SEO and PPC You may have heard at some point in the past SEOs or digital marketing companies talking about Google AdWords and/or (organic) Google listings. There are many things you may wish to consider when deciding on an SEO (search engine...

Adobe proclaims 2013 ?the year of content?

Adobe proclaims 2013 ?the year of content?

In the latest survey from Econsulting and software giants Adobe one message is clear – that content marketing is the main concern for inhouse marketers (and we would suggest social media agency) as they look forward to 2013. The report ‘Digital Trends 2013’ is based...

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