Is Google the new corporation tax?

Is Google the new corporation tax?

Googletax? In its Autumn Statement the government moved to reduce taxes and red tape on businesses in an effort to encourage growth and entrepreneurship. But is there a new trans-national tax that all businesses must now pay, one which we might term Googletax? There...

Focus on Magento designers

Focus on Magento designers

Magento features and benefits Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce open-source platforms and it powers millions of online shops e-commerce sites throughout the world. Many businesses are able to download, configure and maintain their Magento CMS independently...

Is micro web video a good idea?

Is micro web video a good idea?

Why Micro Web? The growth of Twitter as a social and marketing tool has encouraged businesses and marketers to think small – concentrating key messages within 140 characters. With a few years of honing this technique, is it now the time to do the same for video? Many...

Adobe proclaims 2013 ?the year of content?

Adobe proclaims 2013 ?the year of content?

In the latest survey from Econsulting and software giants Adobe one message is clear – that content marketing is the main concern for inhouse marketers (and we would suggest social media agency) as they look forward to 2013. The report ‘Digital Trends 2013’ is based...

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