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Why social media for business

In our experience most organisations know they should be using social media as part of their overall marketing strategy, but for smaller organisations this is not followed up with any actual activity. It may be that they lack time or experience, or that they don’t fully believe that social media marketing will work for them. In this blog we offer four compelling reasons why every business needs social media marketing.

Reason # 1: Supporting your SEO

Google increasingly looks for, and values, what it calls ‘social signals‘ that is, the amount of sharing and engagement of your website from other parties – bloggers, reviewers, customers etc. One of the easiest ways to increase sharing is to create content worth sharing and the platforms to make it easier – and social media platforms are really useful here. Facebook posts that ‘add value’, useful and timely Tweets, compelling YouTube video – these are just some of the ways these platforms can be used to support your ongoing search engine optimisation

Reason #2: Engagement Make

No mistake, customers and potential customers are already talking about your brand, products, services and sector – you need to decide if you want to be part of – and try to influence – those ongoing conversations. Engagement with customers using social media platforms they like – from Facebook to LinkedIn, to review sites and specialist forums – will help you develop your brand, built customer loyalty, dispel untruths and inaccuracies and help you use opinions/reviews/FAQ to develop and grow your business – before your competitors do.

Reason #3: Build brand

Social media is a great way to show the personality behind the company. People buy from people and in this virtual age this has never been more important. Once customers are buying for reasons other than price you can start to increase margins as well as create brand loyalty and the competitive advantage over your rivals. Social media offers a level platform for smart and dedicated companies to compete with the biggest brands in their sector.

Reason #4 Increase sales

Social media is not a sales tool but no business would become active unless they could ultimately measure success through increased sales or margins. Social media offers tools to communicate about new products, services, sales, special offers and voucher codes  – done subtly and mixed with other compelling content it WILL lead to a boost in sales.

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1 Comment

  1. Social Media Marketing

    Informative, engaging, and easy to follow.


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