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A leading Birmingham web design company this week offered some timely advice to help Birmingham businesses make the most of their social media activity. Opace are a web design and social media marketing company who have helped many local businesses maximise their internet marketing.

David Bryan, founder of Opace, this week said “Increasingly Google looks at areas such as sharing and engagement when it ranks a website, and so many companies are turning to social media platforms such as Facebook and Google+ to help boost their search engine rankings. However, some quickly get deflated by a perceived lack of success and many stop altogether.”

A quarter of UK small businesses (24%) use Facebook to market their organisations, but more than a third of them (37%) say they don’t think it has helped their business in any way. A survey of 1,000 small business decision makers by Constant Contact also found that just 21% of respondents believe they are doing a good job using Facebook to market their business. However 22% of businesses that use Facebook said that they found new customers through the social network, while 12% credited it with generating repeat sales. Furthermore, one third (31%) say they have seen value in spreading the word about special offers or new products.

David continued “This survey plus other evidence proves Facebook can bring benefits to both B2B and B2C businesses. The secret to success though is delivering great content and we work with our clients to ensure they deliver content that people will Like, engage with and share.” Opace was founded in 2008 with the aim of delivering exceptional web and internet marketing solutions that deliver tangible results for their clients.

Opace have grown to a team of twelve experienced consultants who deliver creative web-based marketing solutions that have helped their clients develop their organisations, make the most of new technologies and web marketing opportunities. David continued “Great content requires more imagination than cash, and humanising the team is a good place to start – don’t keep pushing out sales messages as this is a big turn-off.” David also recommends strong visual content, and incentives and giveaways as a way of attracting and retaining likes. More information about Opace’s services and successes can be found on their website at

Remember to watch this space as we will be releasing a range of web design and online marketing blogs over the coming months. Our readers can also find our Opace Facebook page at For all the latest goings on, you can keep up-to-date with Opace on Twitter And we also now have an Opace YouTube page live at

Image source – owenwbrown


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