Top Online Advertising Strategies in 2019 & Beyond
Top online advertising strategies
The benefits of online advertising are undisputed and unrivalled. Offering fast results, instant delivery and enhanced visibility at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising, it is one area that no business can afford to ignore.
We take a look at the best strategies for online advertising in 2019 and beyond including ways to improve engagement with customers, target key demographics and enhance the effectiveness of your online advertising strategy.
Videos Worth A Million Words
Online video advertising is still growing in popularity and 2018 saw a rise in the amount of videos being watched. After Google, YouTube is the most popular website in the world and is the number one social media platform.
According to HubSpot, 78% of people watch online videos every week with more than half of us (55%) watching them daily.
Google themselves tell us that 50% of online shoppers look for a video of a product before visiting a store and making a purchase. And, Adobe reports that shoppers are almost twice as likely (1.81x) to make a purchase having seen a demo video than those who haven’t.
With stats like these, businesses who fail to embrace video advertising are passing up a huge share of the market.
If a picture paints a thousand words then videos deliver the equivalent of millions.
Video content receives far more attention than words (or images) alone.
Whilst social media advertising offers the obvious benefits of clever targeted PPC ads, it also offers a great way to interact directly with your audience.
Engagement drives performance so be more sociable and keep those conversations going.
The added benefit of this kind of interaction is one that fosters brand loyalty and close connections.
Go Deep with Content Marketing
Content is still king when it comes to marketing online but the trend in 2019 is building on the success of more in-depth content that has become popular in 2018.
Content is no longer seen as the vehicle for keywords but a powerful means of providing customers with authoritative information.
The added bonus here is that search engines also rate well-written, comprehensive content so you also stand a better chance of improving your SERPs organically.
Be Generous
It is widely accepted that the word ‘free’ is one of the most popular in the English language and is an inciting way to gain attention.
Whilst offering something for nothing can go against the principles of most people who are in business to make money, being generous with your services, products and content can attract a lot of attention.
Nothing new, the ‘lost leader’ approach to online advertising is alive and well and helps demonstrate to your customers that you are offering more.
Giving away valuable information is a powerful tool for creating interest.
Get Interactive
Research suggests that people like content that they can be interactive with and polls, quizzes, infographics and competitions can all gain momentum, particularly on social media.
Higher engagement from your followers can result in more shares and greater visibility…. all good for advertising.
Don’t Underestimate SEO
Your own website is one of the most important vehicles for self-promotion and online advertising and it is the easiest way to gain an audience…if you know how to direct them to your pages.
If you consider that your website is the brochure for your services and products then SEO is the delivery man who, not only puts it in your customer’s hands but also opens it on the right page.
With an effective and optimised SEO strategy, you can get free advertising.
Remember That Email Marketing Isn’t Dead…Yet
Despite the challenges that 2018 brought to traditional email marketing with the GDPR, this method is not yet dead and buried.
Done well, and in line with data privacy laws, this kind of marketing can deliver some great rewards and be highly effective. After all, anyone who is on your email contact database has opted to hear from you!
With automated tools that comply with the GDPR, building, growing and utilising your email contacts database is straightforward and can complement other areas of online advertising.
Email marketing is a powerful way to communicate directly with a receptive audience.
Opace and Online Advertising
Opace is a results driven, digital marketing agency that is forward thinking and a flexible partner for your online advertising needs. Not only do we understand the requirement for an adaptive and creative approach to marketing but we also have the expertise and experience to deliver it.
We’d love to know your ambitions for 2019 and how we can help you achieve them. Contact us today on 0121 222 5757 to speak with one of our team.
Image Credits: Pixabay, Pixabay, Pixabay and pxhere.
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