A first look at Facebook’s new ‘Rooms’ app

A first look at Facebook’s new ‘Rooms’ app

What are Facebook's ‘Rooms’? Facebook recently released their latest app ‘Rooms’ which looks to connect users of similar interests together and allow anonymous discussion similar to the chat rooms of the early days of the internet. Rooms support photos, videos and...

Establishing objectives for your social media campaigns

Establishing objectives for your social media campaigns

When small businesses decide to take on social media, not all have a strategy or clearly defined objectives, so it becomes difficult to measure whether the social media is genuinely effective. Many run giveaways and competitions with the intention of growing likes and...

Facebook Ads: the hidden gem of B2B marketing and recruitment?

Facebook Ads: the hidden gem of B2B marketing and recruitment?

Facebook Ads in 2014 Long before Facebook started offering “suggested posts”, “sponsored ads” and the variety of different options they have today, Opace were offering more traditional B2B internet marketing services, including SEO, social media and of course Pay Per...

The case for Google+ unproven claim social media agency

The case for Google+ unproven claim social media agency

A leading social media agency claimed this week that businesses should not ignore Google+ even if the websites value was unproven. David Bryan, founder and MD of Opace – an internet marketing agency based in Birmingham said this week “A websites SEO strategy is...

Facebook Timeline Changes for Fan Pages (Business Pages)

Facebook Timeline Changes for Fan Pages (Business Pages)

Facebook Timeline Changes - March 2012 This is a brief video introduction about the Facebook timeline changes that took place for Business Pages (Fan Pages) on March 31st 2012. In this video we will outline the changes to 'splash pages' and default landing tabs, along...

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