7 Great Reasons why your business need a Blog

7 Great Reasons why your business need a Blog

Far from being a fad whose appeal will soon fade away, blogging is the social media marketing for SMEs and start-ups. Here are some of the best reasons why: 1. Google loves them You need to get your website seen so you need to make sure Google not only sees but also...

SEO in a nutshell e-book

SEO in a nutshell e-book

SEO in a nutshell - Part 1 in our SEO Made Simple series Our SEO e-books are part of our wider “do-it-yourself” series of Internet marketing guides, all of which can be accessed FOR FREE when you Like our Facebook page. Introduction Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)...

Is it time to go mobile?

Is it time to go mobile?

Sometimes it’s hard not to feel sorry for small businesses who simply want their website to bring them more business. Recently they have had to deal with the impact of the growth in social media, Google’s shifting algorithm that emphasises more on relevant regularly...

Enewsletters – the original social media…

Enewsletters – the original social media…

While lots of small businesses think ecommerce is a matter of good web design and SEO, today there is an increasing focus on social media. It might be a good time to look again at the value of perhaps ecommerce’s original social media – the enewsletter and email...

The power of viral marketing

The power of viral marketing

If carried out properly, the single biggest advantage of viral Internet marketing is this – your website will get lots of publicity along and exposure very quickly. By being smart, creative, imaginative and using simple ingenuity as well as offering some incentives...

Top 3 Tips for improving your Facebook EdgeRank

Top 3 Tips for improving your Facebook EdgeRank

??Have you ever wondered why your business Facebook page is sitting stale with not as many likes and comments you had wished for? Well, it could be your fans have not even seen the post you have made due to Facebook’s EdgeRank system. Facebook EdgeRank What is...

Simple ways to generate more blog traffic

Simple ways to generate more blog traffic

One of the most popular ways of spreading the word about your business is through a blog. Marketing using your business blog Blogs keep your customers updated on all your business activities as well as keeping them informed on a variety of relevant subjects. There are...

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