Is early adoption a clever social media marketing strategy?

Is early adoption a clever social media marketing strategy?

Yet another social media platform was launched in October in the continual search for the next Facebook or YouTube. Is it a good idea for business to add a new platform to their social media marketing strategy or to adopt a wait and see policy? has a good...

25 Tips for perfect email marketing

25 Tips for perfect email marketing

25 Tips to be become an expert in emails! Email layouts in HTML are very alike and similar to the design of a standard web page. Article design is very important with the email going out to so many people, so you really need to know how to focus your content on your...

The case for Google+ unproven claim social media agency

The case for Google+ unproven claim social media agency

A leading social media agency claimed this week that businesses should not ignore Google+ even if the websites value was unproven. David Bryan, founder and MD of Opace – an internet marketing agency based in Birmingham said this week “A websites SEO strategy is...

A new website design or a mobile app?

A new website design or a mobile app?

What’s best for your business? It was the statistic that got the Twitterati excited as AdAge reported that more people owned mobile phones than toothbrushes (4.8 billion v 4.2 billion). Mashable also predicted that “by 2016 there could be 10 billion smartphones.” This...

Developing great social media content

Developing great social media content

Top tips to help the time-strapped business owner’s post effective social media content The increased importance of social media for businesses has been driven by the two most important players in the world of the internet: Google and web users! For many businesses –...

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