Whilst it is established that backlinks are an effective way to positively influence inbound traffic, it is also common knowledge that Google and other search engines, consider paid backlinks an unnatural way of influencing page rankings; in short, buying backlinks can get you into trouble.
So, is there a safe and effective way in 2017 to buy backlinks?
A search on Google for ‘buy backlinks’ will return thousands of hits for SEO marketing companies who are set up to provide you with hundreds of ‘quality’ backlinks for your URLs. Starting from as little as £0.10, you can purchase package deals or head to freelance websites like Fiverr where individuals will provide you with a backlink on their blog.
The potential penalties of 20,000 poor quality backlinks can be severe. Image via Fiverr.
It’s easy to see why buying backlinks is so appealing; instead of hard earned, organic growth, buying backlinks promises quick wins for quick cash. However, buying backlinks to improve your page ranking is a breach of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. And with Google and other search engines coming down hard on this kind of manipulation, it isn’t easy to know which kind of paid backlinks will land you in hot water and those that could help your SEO.
The dilemma
The dilemma is this; you can buy backlinks and there is value in buying quality ones. So much value, in fact, that the rewards of these can often outweigh the potential penalties.
The ethical dilemma is also just as problematical. Consider page rankings as a democracy; the people’s choice of site for its relevance for any given keyword. Links can, therefore, be likened to votes and buying votes is simply unethical…, but it works. It works so well that many companies whose competitors are choosing to buy backlinks are falling behind in rankings; even if they are playing by the rules.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em? Companies face a dilemma of whether to buy backlinks or not. Image via Flickr.
Therefore the choice that many companies make is one of White Hat SEO tactics versus Grey Hat SEO tactics; playing strictly by the rules or borrowing the manipulative methods of Black Hat SEO tacticians. These companies choose to buy backlinks from a quality source that are built naturally and can go undetected by Google’s systems. If you acquire a handful of links a month from relevant and quality sites that do not host thousands of other links, then how can Google determine whether these have been paid for or are organic? The answer is that they probably can’t and as a result many businesses choose to take this approach. Not to mention the fact that buying links like these can also deliver valuable traffic and business.
So, can buying backlinks be effective? Yes. Is buying backlinks safe? It can never be 100% safe but done proportionately as part of a mixed and organic marketing strategy, it can go undetected as long as you know the risks you are running and the potential penalties that may follow.
Unsure? Get in touch with Opace
There are plenty of ways to achieve organic growth and to optimise your link building strategy to stop you from falling behind your competitors and you can do this without buying links. Get in touch with an SEO expert today or contact Opace on 0121 468 0600.