4 Strategies to Make Social Media Marketing Pay Off

4 Strategies to Make Social Media Marketing Pay Off

Why friends are never enough For big brands, using social media strategy for brand development only is a luxury they can afford, but for smaller companies and SMEs their social media strategy needs to both build brand AND lead to sales. Recent research that suggests...

Twitter Basics: How to Use Direct Messaging and Retweets

Twitter Basics: How to Use Direct Messaging and Retweets

  Direct Messaging (DM's) and Retweets on Twitter This is the seventh in a series of social media marketing video tutorials that we're planning to roll out over the next few months covering Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We'll be looking at the basics then moving...

Twitter Basics: How to Use Trending Topics and Twitter Search

Twitter Basics: How to Use Trending Topics and Twitter Search

Twitter Trending Topics and Advanced Twitter Search This is the sixth in a series of social media marketing video tutorials that we're planning to roll out over the next few months covering Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We'll be looking at the basics then moving on...

Twitter Mentions and Hashtags: Twitter Basics

Twitter Mentions and Hashtags: Twitter Basics

Twitter @Mentions and #Hashtags Twitter Mentions and Hashtags is the fifth of our Twitter Basics series offering one of several video tutorials that we'll be releasing on Twitter. @Mentions and #Hashtags are used on Twitter as a way of referencing people (@Mentions)...

Twitter Basics: How to Follow People on Twitter

Twitter Basics: How to Follow People on Twitter

  How To Follow People on Twitter This is the third in a series of social media marketing video tutorials that we're planning to roll out over the next few months covering Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We'll be looking at the basics then moving on to more...

Twitter Basics: How to Change a Twitter Background Image

Twitter Basics: How to Change a Twitter Background Image

How to add a custom Twitter background image This is the third in a series of social media marketing video tutorials that we're planning to roll out over the next few months covering Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We'll be looking at the basics then moving on to more...

Twitter Basics: How to Set Up a Twitter Profile

Twitter Basics: How to Set Up a Twitter Profile

How to set up a basic Twitter profile This is the second in a series of social media marketing video tutorials that we're planning to roll out over the next few months covering Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We'll be looking at the basics then moving on to more...

Why Bother with Twitter Marketing for Business?

Why Bother with Twitter Marketing for Business?

Today, just about everyone will have heard of Twitter unless they have been hiding away somewhere. It is probably the fastest growing social network on the internet, taking the internet by storm with an average of 10,000 new sign ups on a daily basis. Twitter is a...

How to Become a Social Brand Like Dell

How to Become a Social Brand Like Dell

Using social media marketing to become a social brand The social brands Top 100 survey was released recently and at first glance it would be easy to think that the list means nothing to the average SME or sole trader. They don't have the 'name' or resources to make...