WooCommerce Website Developers

WooCommerce agency in Birmingham

Need a flexible and powerful solution for your eCommerce website? Need ultimate control, design adaptability, and SEO support? If you already have a WordPress website or you are a lover of this great platform, discover why WooCommerce is the world's favourite choice for selling physical and digital goods online.

Opace are a premier WooCommerce development and marketing agency in the United Kingdom, bringing over 15 years of experience and industry expertise to create bespoke WordPress and WooCommerce websites tailored to your business objectives. Our skilled team of web developers and designers excel in theme customisation, seamless integration of payment gateways, and implementing effective WooCommerce SEO strategies to boost your search engine rankings.

Don't delay, speak with our WooCommerce experts today.



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Award Winning Digital Agency

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We make sure our web designers, developers and marketers are always up to speed so they are best placed to support eCommerce businesses of all shapes and sizes. From IBM to HubSpot and The Linux Foundation, we've completed many of the major certifications available and we're a certified Google Partner.

IBM Software Development certificate
HubSpot Growth-Driven Design Certified
Open Source eCommerce development certificate

WordPress eCommerce Websites Powered By WooCommerce

Why choose a WooCommerce development?

Powering almost one in three digital storefronts, WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms in the world.

Designed to be adaptable, WooCommerce’s strengths are in the huge range of plugins and add-ons available to customise your eCommerce store; all delivered with security, reliability and flexibility in mind. It’s built upon the foundations of WordPress, which in our opinion, is the best overall website builder for its CMS capabilities and SEO.

This makes a WooCommerce development the perfect choice for your eCommerce project.


Power at your fingertips

The highly flexible nature of WordPress makes WooCommerce developments powerful and allows you to customise your settings and extensions at any time.


Security at its heart

Audited by a team of industry leading expert developers, WooCommerce offers a dynamic security task force to quickly respond to bugs and online data security threats.


Payment options

Supports all major payment methods including PayPal, BACS, credit cards, cash on delivery and more than 140 solutions including Amazon & Stripe.


Various product types

WooCommerce supports online sales for all kinds of products and services including physical goods, affiliate products, downloads. You can even sell your time.

Built for end-users

Built with open source, WooCommerce is great for delivering powerful front-end solutions customised by developers for your website’s end users.


Shipping methods

WooCommerce delivers a powerful choice for all kinds of shipping including domestic, international and drop shipping. Choose from flat rates, free shipping or dynamic shipping charges.


If you are considering using a WooCommerce agency, Opace and our team of Birmingham WooCommerce developers are a great choice. And we don’t just say so ourselves. Our customers repeatedly rate Opace highly for the quality of our innovation, the reliability of our delivery and the creativity of our website design and eCommerce services. We believe that "the Woo" doesn’t stop at "Commerce" and we invite any new customers to let our expert WooCommerce developers woo them.

We don’t like to blow our own trumpet, but…

We prefer to let our reputation speak for itself and our clients tell us that they think we offer an Outstanding service. Our core ethos is based on providing tailor-made strategies at affordable prices. We work collaboratively and transparently and always provide an ethical service so you know your reputation is safe in our hands.

Experts in WooCommerce

Customers want an exciting and interactive service when it comes to shopping online but without the hassle of leaving their homes. Our WooCommerce experts understand how important the balance is between clever technical innovation and creating an intuitive user-experience.

100% technical support; 100% plain English

Whilst we know our hypermedia driven interfaces from our hypertext transfer protocol, we’re also fully conversant in plain English; without the hyper jargon.

Fully customised solutions

We don’t believe in square pegs or round holes, we develop every solution to suit each and every client whatever their budget and however complex (or simple) their needs.

Opace are the Alpha Geeks

Looking for WooCommerce experts? Our team has worked extensively with WordPress and can support any theme development. We don’t mind admitting it but our talented team are creative geniuses when it comes to WooCommerce development.

We love it when a plan comes together

Unlike other WooCommerce developers, we want to hold your hand every step of the way; from the genius of the detailed planning stages to delivering the masterstroke and beyond; which is why we think we’re your A-Team choice.

WooCommerce experts, based in Birmingham

Whether you want a brand new eCommerce store, a design refresh or custom plugin or module development, our Birmingham based WooCommerce experts can deliver it all and plenty more. Let us build a tailor-made solution unique to you and your target audience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should I choose WordPress & WooCommerce for my e-commerce platform?

WordPress and WooCommerce are powerful tools for building an e-commerce website. WordPress is a flexible and user-friendly platform, and WooCommerce is an e-commerce plugin. Just because it's a plugin, WooCommerce shouldn't be under-estimated. It's the world's most popular e-commerce platform by a long shot. Together, WordPress and WooCommerce offer a wide range of features, including theme customisation, support for payment gateways, and robust SEO capabilities.

What does a WooCommerce developer do?

A WooCommerce developer is a web developer that specialises in the WooCommerce platform. They are responsible for creating and customising online stores according to the business objectives of the clients. Our WooCommerce developers and web designers are skilled in leveraging the features of WordPress and WooCommerce to develop a website that best meets the needs of you and your business. With over 15 years of experience, our WooCommerce development agency's team of industry experts can help you achieve your e-commerce goals.

What makes your WooCommerce development agency stand out?

Our WooCommerce development agency stands out due to our experienced development team, excellent communication skills, and commitment to helping our clients succeed. Trading since 2008, we have experience in both e-commerce website development and e-commerce marketing. We understand the importance of SEO and implement effective WooCommerce SEO strategies to improve your website's search engine rankings. Our team is dedicated to understanding your business objectives and delivering a website that helps you achieve them.

eCommerce advice, WordPress tutorials, WooCommerce insights and more from Opace