A Post Panda SEO Checklist (Part 1)

A Post Panda SEO Checklist (Part 1)

Panda and Penguin Google’s algorithm changes – commonly referred to as Panda and Penguin – have been designed to improve the search experience of Google’s customers, which by now is almost the whole of the globe. Businesses are finding that their search engine ranking...

Will Google Panda mean more SEO training?

Will Google Panda mean more SEO training?

Speaking at SXSW event in March this year, Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s WebSpam team, spoke of further major changes to the Google Algorithm – and we want to look at how this may require further SEO training for those who carry out their own SEO. Google Panda...

Step-by-step guide to choosing the right SEO training course

Step-by-step guide to choosing the right SEO training course

So you’ve decided to learn more about SEO – either to better understand the principles and practices that can help your company achieve #1 in Google or to manage your own SEO. You can look to the internet for support, but an SEO training course can provide a focussed...

DIY SEO – a complete guide to SEO!

DIY SEO – a complete guide to SEO!

DIY SEO - Part 2 in our SEO Made Simple series Our SEO e-books are part of our wider “do-it-yourself” series of Internet marketing guides and video blogs, all of which can be accessed FOR FREE when you Like our Facebook page. Introduction Search Engine Optimisation...

Web Design and SEO – An Unequal Partnership?

Web Design and SEO – An Unequal Partnership?

A marketer I know and respect said to me: “with all of the open source content management systems and free templates seemingly by the million, it must be great for businesses today because they don’t have to pay £1000s for their websites”. He’s right of course – but...

Need a new website? Think again.

Need a new website? Think again.

In a recent edition of design journal The Drum, CEO of Brightfire John Hornell advised businesses who were thinking of redesigning their website to think again and offers some very cogent reasons why. Really this argument is another strand in the debate between the...

Can SEO be DIY?

Can SEO be DIY?

For many businesses, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is perhaps a little like a motor car – easy to understand in theory but almost impossible in practice. The idea that connecting the ‘keywords’ that your customer searches for to your website is obvious; but...

Why linkbaiting makes good content for SEO

Why linkbaiting makes good content for SEO

SEO and Link Baiting The term linkbait is often used in SEO circles but not many people are actually aware of what it means. If we were to define ‘linkbait’ we would say: ‘Linkbait is when you place content such as an article, blog, picture, post, or any other content...

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