Google launches new features in Webmaster Tools and Analytics

Google launches new features in Webmaster Tools and Analytics

With all the new algorithm changes happening at Google, they have been busy updating their Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools to incorporate new features into the reports. These new features include : Google+1 metrics Mobile reporting Improvements to map overlay...

SEO in a nutshell e-book

SEO in a nutshell e-book

SEO in a nutshell - Part 1 in our SEO Made Simple series Our SEO e-books are part of our wider “do-it-yourself” series of Internet marketing guides, all of which can be accessed FOR FREE when you Like our Facebook page. Introduction Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)...

Simple ways to generate more blog traffic

Simple ways to generate more blog traffic

One of the most popular ways of spreading the word about your business is through a blog. Marketing using your business blog Blogs keep your customers updated on all your business activities as well as keeping them informed on a variety of relevant subjects. There are...

Is Content Curation the new weapon in successful SEO?

Is Content Curation the new weapon in successful SEO?

Google’s so-called Panda update will have an impact on all online marketing and SEO. It’s clear that good old fashioned content will play an increasingly important role in making sure websites are visible. This presents both opportunities for small businesses to...

Google Panda and what it means for your website and SEO

Google Panda and what it means for your website and SEO

Does Panda mean extinction for your website? Last Monday, 11th April, Google confirmed that it’s latest algorithm changes, codenamed ‘Panda’, would be rolled out across English-speaking websites following it’s introduction in the USA a month previously. Amendments to...

Canonical SEO and the Canonical URL problem

Canonical SEO and the Canonical URL problem

URL SEO and Canonicalization Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an expression used to cover a broad variety of techniques and strategies that are used to optimise your website so that it can attain a high position in search engine results for a particular keyword or...

Using SEO and Social Media to build brand authority

Using SEO and Social Media to build brand authority

SEO and Social Media Your business website may have lots of usable and convincing content but this alone is not enough to gain new customers and revenue. When your website gets to this point, then it is time to create a link building strategy to boost your brand...

Local SEO – how to carry out local search optimisation

Local SEO – how to carry out local search optimisation

Local SEO and search optimisation As all business owners will realise, internet marketing is important for business growth, especially in today’s climate. More and more people are turning to the internet and search engines in particular to locate businesses in their...

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